Touching letter to single mothers, share with a single mum

Dear Single Mother,
You are a single parent, things are extra difficult and you most times get lonely; it is normal to feel envious of friends who have kind, involved, loving and caring husbands, men who actually want to be with them and pitch in, but it is important to avoid getting caught up in the illusion that everything would be perfect if you just had a partner.

Note that some are married but wish to be single due to the problems they are getting in that marriage. Remind yourself that everyone has problems, even married people. Constant envy breeds resentment and bitterness, which eventually drains your energy and causes you enough stress to ensure your situation gets even extra difficult. 

Living as a single mother has its own challenges and major one is financial. Strive to be financial independent. Have some source of income with the knowledge that no husband is coming to bail you out of a possible difficult financial situation. Live within your means and as much as possible avoid borrowing men money as that sends the signal you are desperate and sooner an attachment might build up and you find yourself entangled in another difficult situation e.g. another pregnancy.

Above all always plan for emergencies; remember ladies with responsible husbands have someone to bail her out in case of an emergency e.g. sudden child sickness, sudden career duty call, etc. She has someone to call on and expect almost immediate help, but you might find yourself alone in such situations so plan ahead of time, always have a plan and if not, the intelligence to bail yourself out. it is not so rosy being a single mother, but with effort you can become a successful parent.
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