Video: Woman cries after wiping off her make up on TV

We all have that one thing we always hide behind. For me, that one thing is a smile, no , a laughter! In the clip below, you will meet a young woman named Toshi, who hides behind a face full of makeup, more like paint.
Toshi is a hairstylist and an artist whose skills are shown through her unconventional style and up until now, has never let anyone see her face without make up. 

On TLC's Love Love or run ” in which style guru Stacy London helps women see the errors of their fashion choices, then guides them through a “makeunder.” By removing unnecessary hair extensions, wild clothes, and garish makeup, participants are able to let their inner beauty shine through. 

Toshi says doesn’t know how to show she’s a good and worthy person without dressing up — and she has never let people see her without all of her makeup.😭 

Toshi finds the make-under process so emotional that she begins sobbing in front of the cameras. “Taking all this away is so weird to me,” she admits. But wait until you see what she looks like under all that makeup… she is absolutely stunning!
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