The Rock named the Sexiest Man Alive on People Magazine

Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock has been named the Sexiest Man Alive by People's magazine and rightfully so. Most women will agree with me.😉 The Rock is one fine guy. As for you fellas, take your unfit asses to the gym! LOL
The excited Rock took to Instagram to thank people magazine for naming him the Sexiest Man Alive by writing this ...
"This just means I'm still up at 4am trainin' hard, takin' care of my babies, drivin' my pick up truck and tellin' a few dirty/nerdy jokes... extremely sexily of course.

Huge THANK YOU you to the entire hard working and very cool staff at @Peopleas well as all the fans worldwide. I'm honored and grateful for the luv!

Remember, sexy isn't something you "try and be". Sexy happens naturally when you're comfortable just being yourself. Trust me, I'm an expert at this. (plus I read the "how to be sexy and a great kisser" guide when I was 8)". #SexiestManAlive
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