New Drama In Town as Munalove accused of bewitching her bestfriend Wema Sepetu

Actress Wema Sepetu and Muna were giving us all friendship goals but so did Wema and Aunty, Kajala, Zamaradi,Snurah and the rest!
I don't know why her friendships never seem to last because to be fair, she seems really loyal to her friends but again, we also can't ignore the fact that she could be the problem.

Anyway, according to some of her fans, Muna allegedly uses witchcraft to be the only person Wema listens and hangs out with.
Duh! How dumb does that sound? Why would a woman want to be the only woman a fellow woman wants to be around?
It's not like she has anything special to offer her!

Wema doesn't make it any easier though, she has been fueling the rumors through her suggestive captions and has even deleted every photo of Muna on her Instagram.
I'm not surprised...friendships are meant to be broken.
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