When I came across this, (If at all it's a true story) I was like "I have heard that before, don't believe the hype"
Anyway, read the story below as she shared....
Luo men are known to be romantic and well endowed down there. Good good d!cks, not borrowed ones.lol. I had heard so much about how good they are in bed from my friend Gee who was dating one. Alikua ananiambia ati huwa anazungushwa na kugeuzwa kama chapati wakati wa bedminton na orgasms were her life. I dreamed of such $ex. I knew I wanted a luo man. Just that. A luo man. God heard me, and gave me one Owino.
After months of pursuing me I gave in the. The guy was romantic. Very romantic. Nilijua nimeshinda jackpot. "shida rotto, sio doto"

And fellow women, the day came. Wueh. I went to his place for a sleepover. Had supper but God knows what was on my mind. I was salivating. Guita ruta

Theeeen. Sisi hao. Kissing. Caressing. Tearing clothes off each other. Hungrily. Wildly. Haooo kitandani. Huyooooo Owino juu yangu. Mimi miguu panua panu panu. I felt him .
Oooh yes. In. Out. In. Out. After like 2minutes I just felt his heavy body collapse on me. Ala. Nikashangaa whatis! I thought ah ni coz ni first shot ndo imeisha mbio. In a $exy voice the one bi.msafwari advices us to use, I called him. Owish. (kumunania) . He didn't answer. Owino, I called again. No answer.ala. He's still on top. I struggled pushing him off. Mark you he was tall and built so very heavy.
The guy had literally fainted on me. There I was n@ked and totally freaked . What I reached for first was his vest. Nikaanza kumpepeta nayo. I was literally freaking out. Sijui nitumie maji. Au mouth to mouth. Au nifungue window. Anyway my small first aid worked. "Akafufuka ". I was shocked. I asked ka ako na medical condition or what was wrong. He was like "aaah babyy I'm a guru in bed. Ni juu sikukula supper vizuri otherwise I'd take you to cloud 9 and beyond". Of course I sympathized with him. Mimi chap chap kwa kitchen yake nikamtengezea food. Now I knew baas akishiba sasa it's him and my nunu.
It's now 1pm at night and nunu screaming for haki yake. Owish amekula round two. Sisi hao all over each other again. He's doing magic on my body. Best foreplay ever. My body is rejoicing. And now nunu wants to meet dudu. Huyo dudu finding his way to nunu. In. Out. In. Out. A minute later all I hear is Owish farting.

Nilijipa shughuli pretty much after that. Haya ladies... Goodnight.
Source: Facebook User
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