Ten Things That Happen In Every Relationship When He Is Not As Romantic As You

Having an unromantic partner can be quite a damper. Bye bye candle lights and roses, hello practicality! That's pretty much the scene. And, if you are a romantic yourself, you are really going to be in for some hard times, because romance to them is as alien as your third cousin's mother's neighbor's daughter is to you.
Yep, they don't know anything about it. Having lived with a very unromantic husband for five years, here's a little bit of my experience to help you through your confusion.

1. You have to practically spell out what you need as a gift. There is no element of surprise.

2. Forget being excited for your anniversary. He'll hate it, because of the pressure on him to plan something amazing. And you'll hate the fact that he hates it.
3. The only flowers you are getting are from yourself.
4. Him texting sweet nothings to you all day long... not happening.

5. Forget watching rom-coms on a Saturday night. Watch it with the girls instead.
6. If you do get a surprise gift, you need to value it for life. Because it ain't gonna happen again.
7. Romantic dinner mostly means picking up a grilled chicken steak, some fries and watching a movie... at home.

8. You know those couples who post super adorable selfies on Instagram? That won't be you. Ever.
9. Your idea of romance will change over the years. Socks make for great gifts right? RIGHT?
10. You will forever be showing them model boyfriends - aka your bestie's guy - and he will NEVER get the hint.
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